Chronological list of all posts to this website.
Dora the Exorcist
In the 1973 film The Exorcist, a certain scene rose to prominence. The possessed girl lays prone on her bed and the demon, in a show of strength, makes her body levitate. The camera angle is from above, looking down, as the poor girl resembles Christ on the cross, arms spread helplessly to her sides.…
I hate driving
I hate driving. I hate the act of driving, I hate the thought of driving, I hate everything around driving a motor vehicle on the road for any length of time. What annoys me is other road users, other human beings, also engaged in the act of guiding a few metric tonnes of metal, plastic…
Fountain Pens – a love reinked
School systems back in the day recommended a transition of writing implements, from pencils to fountain pens. “Ink pens” was the name in the Indian school system and this sounds odd in hindsight. Ink as opposed to what, given that all pens use ink in some form. My childhood experience with fountain pens was horrible.…