• About

    Who I am, what sort of work I do, how to reach me.

    My name is Eldrich Rebello. I am an electrical engineer and I live in Canada. This website is my attempt at getting out there – selling my brand if you will.

    This section is broad by design. Many things pique my interest. Technology is a good starting point and I enjoy using it for various ends. I am not a programmer by training but I am intrigued by it. I use programming languages – primarily Python – for basic data analysis, plotting and similar tasks.

    I am an engineer and am curious about how things work, how I can break them, how to reassemble them and how I could repurpose them. In my day job, I try to keep up with the evolving world of renewable energy, how it will shape our future and the big picture of how it fits into our lives. I understand how a single wind turbine turns kinetic energy into electrical energy at a single point in time but what about a thousand wind turbines, spread over hundreds of kilometres, over two years? That is precisely the sort of question with a fuzzy answer, one that is never perfect, one that can sometimes be imperfect.

    You can reach me at eldrich@eldrichrebello.ca

    More coming soon.